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CALL (515) 442-1624


Central Iowa & Surrounding Areas

4214 Fleur Dr, Suite 12B

Des Moines, IA 50321

FDA Disclosure:

“HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or “normal” distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.”

HCG Des Moines
Weight Loss & Wellness Center

4214 Fleur Dr, #12B
Des Moines , IA 50321

Lose 30-50 lbs

6 Months to Success VIP Weight Loss Program


First, we understand what it's like to feel disgusted about being overweight and would like to acknowledge your courage and desire to take action.


Be sure to request your complimentary phone consultation to get all your questions answered and see if the 6 Months to Success VIP Weight Loss Program is a good fit by completing our Consultation Request Form.



HCG Des Moines helps our clients lose weight and find more happiness in their daily lives by offering comprehensive weight management coaching programs and life coaching programs.


Our 6 Months to Success VIP Weight Loss Program is designed to guide and teach clients about the dietary, lifestyle and mindset changes. It is realistic for most clients to lose about 40-50 pounds when fully committed to participating in this program.



The first phase of the program starts with a medical evaluation by an Iowa licensed medical health care professional. During the 'elimination' phase the focus is rapid weight loss and clean healthy eating from a structured list of real, unprocessed foods...lean protein, fresh or frozen vegetables and a couple pieces of fruit each day.


During the first week of the program, you will have the opportunity to break any addictions you may have to starchy carbs, sugar and processed foods.


By participating in weekly check-in and strategy sessions, we will work together to customize the program for your lifestyle. During these weekly sessions, you’ll also receive coaching and tools you can use to help you with any psychological issues, like emotional eating, boredom, stress, etc.



Upon completion of your first round, we allow for a minimum of 2 weeks of stabilization. It is not unusual for clients to be a little scared or fearful that they will gain the weight back when they go 'off protocol'.


During this time, clients are encouraged to add a few additional items to their structured food while still eating the same types of lean protein, fresh or frozen vegetables and a couple pieces of fruit/berries each day.


By practicing the action of  'maintaining' between elimination phases, clients can build the confidence needed to KNOW that they can, indeed, maintain their weight long term.



The last 60 days of the program focuses on long term weight stabilization. It's not always just about 'calories in'. Sometimes our bodies are intolerant and just not capable of processing certain types of foods....and it's important to know what those foods are.


We like to think of our weight stabilization phase as a giant food allergy test. You’ll learn what foods your body has intolerance to, what foods and portion sizes cause you to gain weight and how to eyeball those portion sizes so you won’t have to weigh and measure for the rest of your life.


Be sure to request your complimentary phone consultation to get all your questions answered and see if the 6 Months to Success VIP Weight Loss Program is a good fit by completing our Consultation Request Form.


We look forward to discussing how we may be able to help you reach and more importantly, maintain your ideal body weight.  

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